Missouri State University Bears baseball player Dylan Leach visited with the first grade class today in honor of Greyson Newman’s student of the week celebration. Dylan is from Carthage, Texas and plays catcher. Students asked questions and then Dylan read the students a baseball themed book called Dino-Baseball by Lisa Wheeler. Greyson gave each student a small baseball and Rice Krispy treats decorated like baseballs for a sweet treat. Dylan presented Greyson with an autographed baseball. Students shared with Dylan about an Inspiring American they have learned about this week William Hoy. Hoy was the first major league baseball player who was deaf who played for the Washington Nationals. Thank you Greyson for such a fun surprise visitor.
10 months ago, Sadie Chisum
Middle School Cotillion wrapped up last night with our formal dinner and dance! Thank you to all of our speakers!
10 months ago, Sadie Chisum
Use the link for a great story on our baseball team! Make sure to check it out! https://www.ozarkssportszone.com/2024/03/31/greenwoods-sam-schneider-proving-girls-can-play-baseball-too/
10 months ago, Sadie Chisum
For the agriculture lesson last week, our 3rd grade learned about the importance of soil and the about the different layers. They colored a bookmark and they got to enjoy their own edible soil in class! YUM!
10 months ago, Sadie Chisum
Lucy’s parents, Kathleen Kingry and Dr. Matthew McKay, visited first grade today to present for Lucy’s student of the week. Lucy’s parents are both Geologist. Lucy’s mom serves as the Environmental Safety and Compliance Coordinator at Ozarks Technical Community College, monitoring and disposing of hazardous waste produced at Ozarks Technical Community College, and also working on the college’s sustainability efforts. Lucy’s dad is a Professor of Geology at Missouri State University. Students were talked to about hazardous waste disposal and different types of rocks that can be excavated. Dr. McKay also shared a video taken by a drone when he was working around an active Volcano in Iceland. Students were shown various rock samples including a “young rock” created by the lava. Students were given really cool fidget spinners that made the movement of the earth’s plates more understandable and 3D printed dinosaurs, because Lucy loves dinosaurs. Students were given a fun activity about taking out trash and recycling. While students enjoyed doughnuts Lucy’s dad and mom answered questions. Thank you Lucy!
10 months ago, Sadie Chisum
We are so proud of them!
10 months ago, Sadie Chisum
The showcase was a success!
11 months ago, Sadie Chisum
Wade’s dad, Mr. Michael Mardis, talked to the first grade class about architecture and construction for Wade’s Student of the Week Celebration. Mr. Mardis is an architect with Missouri State University. Students were shown the blueprints of Greenwood Laboratory School from 1965 and identified their classroom and familiar places in the school. Wearing yellow “Mardis Construction hardhats” students were divided into teams and presented with a challenge to create a structure from a blueprint. Students learned about what you need to do to become an architect and introduced to many new vocabulary terms including front and left elevation, isometric, and blueprint. Thank you Wade and Mr. Mardis!
11 months ago, Sadie Chisum
Congrats to Cooper and Chance for hitting out of the park homeruns against Walnut Grove!
11 months ago, Sadie Chisum
Look at these 3rd graders enjoying their rewards from Braum’s Book Buddy Program! Congratulations on a job well done!
11 months ago, Sadie Chisum
Good luck to our State Qualifying Archers! Cullen Burch (8) Turner Crockett (8) Lily Johnson (8) Katie Palmer (8) Grayson Steiro (7) Grace Yen (6) They will compete at State this Thursday, March 21, in Branson!
11 months ago, Sadie Chisum
First Grader Emelia Speer celebrating reading and enjoying her Braum's reading reward.
11 months ago, Sadie Chisum
Greenwood Qualifies for Nationals! We are so excited to announce that Greenwood will be represented at the NSDA National Speech and Debate tournament to be held this June in Des Moines, Iowa! The students persisted through three days of intense competition to earn the right to attend the national tournament. Twenty-one area schools and around 330 individual competitors participated in the competition. Only the top three or four entries in each event qualify for the national competition. Tristan Khoshyomn and Mary Gabriel qualified in Policy Debate. This is the second time Tristan and Mary have qualified for nationals. Laila Ozturk qualified in Informative Speaking. We believe Laila is one of only three freshmen to qualify for nationals from our very competitive district tournament. Additionally, Greenwood was the 2023 winner of the Ozark District Cumulative Sweepstakes Trophy. The award represents a history of success – each year schools receive points based on their participation in the district tournaments and once you win the award the school’s points go back to zero. So, the trophy represents not only current students, but Greenwood alumni as well. Good luck at nationals! Go Jays!
11 months ago, Sadie Chisum
Students worked diligently on their Rube Goldberg projects this week!
11 months ago, Sadie Chisum
The First Grade Helpful Hedgehogs were the winners of the Pizza Party for having the most students attend the game on Saturday. The Greenwood Parents Association and Greenwood Booster club provided a pizza, ice cream, and juice box lunch during our lunchtime today. The High School Basketball Team came to first grade to visit and talk to students this morning as a special surprise! Thank you GPA and Booster Club for such a nice lunch today! Thank you GLS Basketball Team for dropping by our classroom. Go Jays!
11 months ago, Sadie Chisum
Layne’s mom, Brittney Percival, came to talk to the first graders today to celebrate Layne for his student of the week. Brittney is an Admissions Advisors and helps college students navigate college, signing up for classes, and making graduation plans. Layne’s mom read The Sneetches to celebrate our Read Across America Theme this week. Students were given amazing doughnut treats!
11 months ago, Sadie Chisum
We loved having our guests!
11 months ago, Sadie Chisum
We are so proud of Elif Benzer for presenting at Springfield Rotary Club yesterday. We are proud of her leadership and can't wait to see what her future holds!
11 months ago, Sadie Chisum
It is Giving Day for Missouri State University! Below is the link for giving to Greenwood Laboratory School through the College of Education. Please consider giving, we are grateful for your contributions! https://givingday.missouristate.edu/giving-day/80755/donate?dept=80758&des=604037&utm_source=scalefunder&utm_campaign=amb_share&utm_content=2u6h54hc0ljhqh5qd0fot73&utm_medium=plain
11 months ago, Jeni Hopkins
MSU Logo
Student of the week Harper Popek’s mom, Amber, and her dad, Dr. Jeremy, presented interesting information to the first grade class. Student’s learned about Harper’s family and her pet Chihuahua, Mya. Harper’s mom is a Certified Public Account at Forvis, where she is employed and also a part owner. After sharing what an accountant does each day and answering questions, the students were each given a Forvis journal for “calculating fun math problems” and then got to try using antique adding machines and calculators. Harpers dad is a Pharmacist with Evans Drug Health Mart Pharmacy and travels to several locations around Missouri. Dr. Popek shared what a pharmacist does each day then talked about what students should do if they find a pill bottle or medications. Students also learned that a pharmacist is an “educator” who talks to patients about how to take medications, administers injections, and shares wellness tips. Harper provided a tasty treat, a super-sized doughnut from Gold-N-Glaze doughnuts!
11 months ago, Sadie Chisum