Senior Spotlight! Collin Clark will be studying Sports Medicine and playing Basketball at Missouri State University. Thank you for being part of our Bluejay family, we can't wait to see all the amazing things you accomplish!
10 days ago, Tessa Nicholson
Senior Spotlight
Senior Spotlight! Mai Doan will be studying Premed at Missouri State University. Thank you for being part of our Bluejay family, we can't wait to see all the amazing things you accomplish!
11 days ago, Tessa Nicholson
Senior Spotlight
Senior Spotlight! Preston Davis will be studying Business at Missouri State University. Thank you for being part of our Bluejay family, we can't wait to see all the amazing things you accomplish!
12 days ago, Tessa Nicholson
Senior Spotlight
Elin Bell- Manthe was the Hedgehog of the week February 17-21, 2025. Due to the Snow Storm and being out of school we celebrated Elin on Friday March 7, 2025. Dr. Anthony Bell and Dr. Megan Manthe, Elin’s parents, came to school to share about their careers as Orthopedic Surgeons. Elin’s dad fixes broken bones. Dr. Bell brought a femur and a rod to show what a surgeon would do if you broke that bone. Elin’s mom, Dr. Manthe, helps people who have arthritis and bone issues resulting in a replacement. Dr. Manthe brought items that would be used when a patient needs a knee replacement. Student wore surgical head coverings and played games for prizes and Andy’s Gift Cards. Thank you Elin, Dr. Bell and Dr. Manthe!
12 days ago, Tessa Nicholson
Helpful Hedgehog of the Week
Dr. Ron Snodgrass was the Mystery Reader today for the Helpful Hedgehogs first grade class. Students enjoyed a story about Ireland and family traditions. Dr. Snodgrass read The St. Patrick’s Day Shillelagh by Janet Nolan. In this story the shillelagh was used as a walking stick. It was made from a thick branch of the Blackthorn tree from Fergus’s yard in Ireland. The night before Fergus’s family moves to America he makes the shillelagh so that he can take a piece of Ireland with him to the new country where he will live. The story shares how the shillelagh and the story of the journey to America is passed down to each generation on Saint Patrick’s Day. Thank you Dr. Snodgrass!
12 days ago, Tessa Nicholson
Mystery Reader
Greenwood won overall District Championships in BOTH speech and debate at the Class 1, District 5 tournament held in Monett, MO over the weekend – including 6 different event championships. 13 entries qualified for the MSHSAA State tournament to be held at the end of April. Student honors included: Laila Ozturk – District Champion and state qualifier in Informative Speaking, District Champion and state qualifier in Poetry, All-District and state qualifier Lincoln-Douglas Debate, All-District and state qualifier International Extemp Tristan Khoshyomn – District Champion and state qualifier in Policy Debate, District Champion and state qualifier in Original Oratory, All-District and state qualifier in International Extemp, All-District in Humorous Interpretation Mary Gabriel – District Champion and state qualifier in Policy Debate, All-District and state qualifier in Informative Speaking, All-District and state qualifier in US Extemp Ethan Duff – District Champion and state qualifier in US Extemp, All-District and state qualifier in Policy Debate, All-District in Original Oratory, All-District in Prose Ilyaan Khan – District Champion and state qualifier in Duet Acting, All-District and state qualifier in Public Forum Debate Taaha Khan – District Champion and state qualifier in Duet Acting, All-District and state qualifier in Public Forum Debate Gyan Grewal – All-District and state qualifier in Policy Debate, All-District in Radio Speaking Minal Khan – All-District in Radio Speaking Mohan Grewal – All-District in Public Forum Debate Connor Manzardo – All-District in Public Forum Debate Special thanks to our alumni who supported us this weekend in Monett – including current Greenwood instructor Jennifer Holden and Zachary Wehrenberg. The team will be competing at NSDA Districts this weekend for a chance to compete at Nationals in Des Moines, Iowa this summer. So proud of these Blue Jays!
13 days ago, Tessa Nicholson
Speech & Debate
Speech & Debate
Speech & Debate
Senior Spotlight! Miila Chapman will be studying Illustration and playing Volleyball at MCC Longview. Thank you for being part of our Bluejay family, we can't wait to see all the amazing things you accomplish!
13 days ago, Tessa Nicholson
Senior Spotlight
Athletic Leadership Club welcomed a panel of three Missouri State athletes: Grant Burkett (football), Stewart McDonald (football), and Tierney Baumstark (women’s golf).  The athletes shared their experiences and advice as college athletes and how to prepare for the transition from high school to college effectively.
13 days ago, Tessa Nicholson
Athletic Leadership Club
Our youngest and older elementary students teamed up for an exciting cross-grade learning experience last week! Kindergarteners and third graders worked together on special "How to..." writing projects, creating instructional guides on various topics.
13 days ago, Tessa Nicholson
How To Writing
For Read Across America week, third grade had some guest readers. Our special guests were Mr. Chad Woody, Mrs. Jacque Gray, and Mrs. Lynette Trueblood. We thank you all for sharing your love of reading with us! We also wished Mrs. Jacque Gray a very happy birthday by singing and making her a card!
13 days ago, Tessa Nicholson
Guest Readers
Elementary students dressed up as a favorite book character in celebration of Read Across America week!
13 days ago, Tessa Nicholson
Book Character Day
Senior Spotlight! Eva Heideman will be studying Journalism at the University of Florida. Thank you for being part of our Bluejay family, we can't wait to see all the amazing things you accomplish!
14 days ago, Tessa Nicholson
Senior Spotlight
Blakely Davis is the Helpful Hedgehog of the Week for March 3-7, 2025. Blakeley brought her parents to celebrate. Skylar, Blakeley’s mom, is a licensed school counselor and her dad, Jared Davis, PE, is a Civil Engineer and the Land Development Division Lead at OWN, Inc. with thirteen offices. Blakeley’s dad shared insights from his 13+ years of experience. Mr. Davis talked about how you become a Civil Engineer, what Civil Engineers do, and several projects that he and his company have worked on in Springfield and beyond. Additionally, he highlighted the new Greenwood Gymnasium, locker rooms and auditorium area where he was instrumental in the planning and design. Mr. Davis has been key to the planning, building, and development of many Missouri State University projects. Students asked great questions and enjoyed hearing about Blakely while enjoying a chocolate Hostess cupcake. Thank you, Blakely, Skylar, and Jared!
17 days ago, Tessa Nicholson
Student of the Week
Senior Spotlight! Katy Daugherty will be studying Integrated Marketing and Communications at the University of Mississippi. Thank you for being part of our Bluejay family, we can't wait to see all the amazing things you accomplish!
17 days ago, Tessa Nicholson
Senior Spotlight
Officer Ronnie Long, the Greenwood Security Officer, surprised first graders as our Mystery Reader on Wednesday! Officer Long read Officer Buckle and Gloria by Peggy Rathmann. Officer Buckle tries to give safety speeches at school, but he gives instructions and feels that no one is listening. One day he decides to bring his new police dog Gloria with him, and she is quite a “ham” acting out whatever Officer Buckle says for the children. Officer Buckle and Glory are a great team! Officer Long talked to the students about being a team player and following the rules. Thank you, Officer Long!
18 days ago, Tessa Nicholson
Mystery Reader Officer Long
Mr. Loren Broaddus surprised first graders as a Mystery Reader for Literacy Week on Tuesday March 4, 2025. Mr. Broaddus is the 9th Grade History and Public Affairs Instructor at Greenwood Laboratory School. The students loved hearing Pigsty by Mark Teague. Wendell the main character has a very messy room, a pigsty! Pigs start showing up in Wendell’s rom and he loves it at first, however, soon the pigs start messing up his prized possessions. They put hoof prints on his comic books and chew the corners of his baseball cards. He soon gets “all hoofs on deck” and cleans the room. Thank you, Mr. Broaddus!
18 days ago, Tessa Nicholson
Mystery Reader Broaddus
Join us for the musical Down by the Water presented by the kindergarten, first and second grades on Wednesday, April 9th at 6:30pm in the Daily Court at Greenwood Laboratory School!
20 days ago, Tessa Nicholson
In an engaging and hands-on science lesson, 3rd graders dissected various fruits to uncover their relationships. We dissected cherries, grapes with seeds, and nectarines. We determined that cherries and nectarines are related due to the similarities between the seeds and leaves.
20 days ago, Tessa Nicholson
Dissecting fruit in third grade
Happy Gifted Education Week! Greenwood Students Show Off Accomplishments at WINGS
20 days ago, Tessa Nicholson
Gift Education WINGS Students
Dr. Steven Raphael, Scarlett’s dad, visited the first grade class to talk about teeth and celebrate February being Healthy Teeth Month. Students learned about the layers of the tooth, the enamel, the dentin and the pulp chamber. Dr. Raphael had students try to say “ I am sad” by covering your teeth with your lips as an example of what you would sound like if you did not have any teeth. Try It! Why do you need to take care of your teeth? If the bacteria or “sugar bugs” sit on your teeth you can get cavities and have problems with your gums. Students asked lots of great questions and were each provided with a dental hygiene treat bag to take home. Thank you, Scarlett and Dr. Raphael.
20 days ago, Tessa Nicholson
1st Graders & Sugar Bugs