Visual Arts
Ms. Jennifer Grace
Director of K-12 Visual Arts
Ms. Grace feels that art should be an exploration of creative problem solving. Everyone will solve a problem differently and in a unique way. Students are encouraged to push themselves through projects aligned with National Standards. These projects incorporate 2 and 3 dimensional pieces and the elements and principles of design.
Students participate in the All School Art Show through the Springfield Art Museum as well as other city, state, and nationwide competitions.
As Ms. Grace teaches K-12 she has the ability to help students push themselves to reach higher levels of technique and confidence. Studio art is covered throughout Elementary and Middle school, the High school students have a choice between studio art and online Art History.
Student Artwork
Greenwood has many talented artists. The K-12 setting allows students to develop their talents from an early age. This page will help you to find out who those students are and see their creativity and interdisciplinary projects.
Student artwork incorporates the National Standards for the arts by including dance, theater, literature and the fine arts. Projects include both two and three dimensional designs.